Who represents the leadership team for Seattle Woodturners?
The Board of Directors (also known as Officers) are represented by a set of 11 volunteers who are elected by the members of the Seattle Woodturners. Each Officer serves a two-year term. Among other things, our bylaws and minutes serve to document and describe our charter, organizational structure, and general processes that support club functions.
President |
Elizabeth Weber |
elizabeth.carls@gmail.com |
Vice President |
Earl Bartell |
earlturns@aol.com |
Treasurer |
Hank Waggoner |
seattleaawt@gmail.com |
Secretary |
Dylan Faherty |
secretary@seattlewoodturners.org |
Director of Programs |
Audrey Yeoh |
ayeohmy@gmail.com |
Director of Communication |
Joe Cornell |
joeswoodart@gmail.com |
Director of Membership |
Louis Frantz |
louisfrantz56@gmail.com |
Member at Large #1 |
Barry Roitblat |
barry@rentonww.com |
Member at Large #2 |
Randi Aiken |
keeper.of.the.logs@gmail.com |
Member at Large #3 |
Gary Ocher |
turnwithgary@gmail.com |
Member at Large #4 |
Chad Dawson |
cpdawson1@gmail.com |
When do the Officers meet?
Our Board meets once a month from 6 - 8 PM, two Tuesdays before the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. In addition to elected Officers, one or more committee volunteers may be in attendance; however, all club members are welcome to attend. Reach out to any Officer above via email or using our contact form if you would like to attend a meeting. We always welcome your ideas regarding how we can improve the club.
Who else volunteers for the club?
In addition to the Board of Directors, there are many other volunteers operating behind the scenes that regularly help with numerous club functions. You can find the complete list of volunteers in any recent newsletter.
Can I volunteer my skills and/or help the club?
Absolutely! As an all-volunteer organization, we greatly rely on our many members who generously donate their time, effort, and expertise to our club. We also encourage you to match your volunteer work with your interests, passions, and skills so that you enjoy it. We find that when we volunteer, we not only support our club but also build social connections and forge friendships.